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An unambiguous Scandinavian choice between simplicity and multicolor, silence and noise from a neighboring apartment, comfort and clutter is a lifestyle dictated by the many tasks that every Dane solves daily. The same tasks have to be addressed in Russia. So why don’t we learn from the happiest nation in the world? 

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Happinnes exists!

What prevents a person from becoming happy? Usually we answer: lack of money, lack of confidence in the future, everyday petty matters and problems requiring immediate response. And when we read about distant countries, where the level of happiness just rolls over, we also immediately want to do the same – beautifully, simply, clearly and … happily!

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That is why today we are going on a trip to Denmark – a state whose inhabitants, according to research, are the happiest people on the planet. We are not traveling alone, but in the company of an experienced guide, Marina Potoker, who heads the Russian division of ROCKWOOL , whose headquarters are in Hedehusen.  – an expert in the field of solutions for heat and sound insulation of natural stone wool, and Marina – in happiness in the Scandinavian style.

170 rainy days a year

The rich history and culture of Denmark, as well as the highest income level in the country makes many doubt: are there any problems there at all? From the outside it seems that the Danes only do that they enjoy life, riding bicycles and ending their work early to spend time with their families. And this, of course, is close to the truth, but the inhabitants of the Danish kingdom still have problems.

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“As they say, it’s good where we are not,” says Marina Potoker. – For example, Denmark is one of the most “expensive” countries in terms of taxation. And also the weather. We in Moscow all the time complain about the cold summer. But in Denmark, which is located in the northern part of Europe, it rains on average about 170 days a year – it’s rather cold and damp. At the same time, the Danes still know how to enjoy life here and now, enjoying the moment. In this, in my opinion, first of all lies their secret of happiness. “I rarely see disturbing Danes who worry about what is likely to never happen.”

Danes choose simplicity, warmth and silence

In a cold climate, you have to spend a lot of time at home, which is why such attention is paid to home comfort in Denmark. The Danes think through the interior to the smallest detail, not forgetting about things invisible to the eye, for example, sound and heat insulation.

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“You must have heard about the hygge (dat. Hygge),” Marina says. – It is difficult to translate this word, it needs to be felt. The atmosphere of hugge for the Danes is even insignificant emotions and moments when you are surrounded by home coziness and comfort, which make up happiness. Moreover, this is not only a pleasant company of close people, but also interior elements (rugs, pillows, wooden furniture, fireplace) and even helpers invisible to the eye – building materials for creating silence, optimal microclimate and freedom of personal life. What happiness is up to you to decide whether to enjoy the silence, the sound of logs crackling in the fireplace, the rustle of rain outside the window when you are at home in the warmth, or invite the noisy company to a party and not disturb the neighbors. ”

What prevents us from becoming happy ourselves

Can rugs, candles and silence really make a person happy? Is it really that simple? Of course not. Happiness is not only cosiness, but also an attitude to life in general. The Scandinavians believe that happiness can be collected from many small things, and they collect it every day.

“We sometimes lack the belief that even minor improvements in our lives, even everyday trifles, can lead to life-changing changes,” says Marina. – You need to start somewhere, at least with a small step. Get rid of old unnecessary things, give them to recycling. Start taking care of the environment more. More often choose a bicycle instead of a car or share consumption with friends. Equip your home, create a comfortable space where you can relax. Take care of the quality of your sleep. To realize that when you live in a big city, it is very important to have an oasis of peace and quiet at home. Soundproofing, finally, a wall that borders a noisy neighbor – it will cost like a family trip to the supermarket. Find a balance between work and personal life … “

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Speaking of money. It seems that all the alterations in the interior “eat up” a significant part of the budget, but this is not about the Scandinavian style. The Danes love simplicity, which means that no royal luxury is foreseen. Light walls that are easy to update if necessary, a minimum of furniture made from natural materials, several beautiful, harmonious accessories – that’s all you need to take a break from the visual chaos of modern reality.

To Denmark for inspiration

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You can talk about Denmark for hours, but the most important thing is beyond words – this lightness in the character of every Scandinavian, this transparency of the air over the Baltic Sea, this is an incredible sky and fragrant wind. Those who are used to spending holidays in the city can go to Copenhagen – look at the capital from the balcony of the city hall, take a walk around the free state of Christiania, sit on the cool sand on the beach, looking at the lead expanse of water.

“Denmark is a wonderful country for tourism, with a rich history and a wide variety of interesting places. For example, Skagen is Denmark’s northernmost point. Two seas meet there, an incredible sky and a fresh wind always blows. I think this wonderful place is able to give a person a charge of vivacity and strength for years to come … “


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