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For decades, people have been dreaming of traveling to other worlds. But there are many structures on Earth that could well pass for the creations of alien architects.

“House of the Future”


In 1968, the Finnish architect Matti Suuronen created an unusual heated ski lodge, the appearance of which, like the interior, resembled a spaceship. Then such housing cost about 12 thousand dollars. The area of ​​the mobile round house was only 32 square meters. m, but up to eight people could live in it.

In the 1970s, such designs disappeared from the market, which was due to the rise in price of the plastic from which they were created, and the mixed reaction of buyers – the house did not fit well into the countryside. Nevertheless, such structures can still be seen in the United States, Germany, Australia, Finland and Taiwan. The “house of the future”, or Futuro House , can also be viewed at the Boymans-van Böningen Museum in Rotterdam and at the WeeGee Exhibition Center in Finnish Espoo.

UFO houses in Sanzhi

In the 1980s, a whole village was to appear in Taiwan from houses resembling flying saucers. Its construction began in the second half of the 1970s. It was planned that the village will become a resort on the northern coast of the island, and the houses will be sold to the US military, who serve in Southeast Asia. But due to financial losses leading the construction of the company, the project was never implemented. In addition, soon rumors began to appear about the numerous deaths and suicides associated with this place. For several decades, the unfinished was a tourist attraction because of its unusual architecture, but at the beginning of the XXI century it was decided to demolish the buildings, which was done by 2010.

Gardens by the Bay


“Gardens by the Bay” is a natural park that Singapore authorities decided to break by the water in order to improve the quality of life of the population by increasing greenery in the city. The idea was born in 2005, and in 2011 the first of three gardens was opened. The supertrees located on the territory of the “South Bay Garden” seem to be extraterrestrial. They are metal tree structures from 25 to 50 meters high, which are used to grow exotic and unique plants. At night, the “trees” are highlighted. There is a bridge between the two highest, allowing a bird’s eye view of the surroundings.

Oscar Niemeyer Museum


In the Brazilian city of Curitiba, there is a museum named after its creator and one of the most famous Latin American architects of the last century – Oscar Niemeyer. The museum opened in 2002 and was first called the “New Museum”, but it was renamed the next year. In appearance, the building resembles a huge human eye or an alien dwelling located on a pedestal installed in the center of an artificial reservoir. The exposition is dedicated to contemporary art.

Canadian Museum of Human Rights


This building, located in Canadian Winnipeg, resembles a device designed to establish contact with other civilizations. In fact, the Canadian Museum of Human Rights is located here, which not only acquaints visitors with the history of human rights activities, but also attracts tourists to the city. The architect was Antoine the Ancestor, who, when working on the project, relied on the peculiarities of the country’s landscape. In addition, the initiators of the construction of the museum liked the idea that the entrance to the building is located in the underground part, after which visitors climb the “Tower of Hope”, which offers a magnificent view of the city.

Photo: Getty Images, Wikimedia Commons

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