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Among the tourist attractions you can find many places about which the most unimaginable rumors circulate. So, some of them are still considered portals to other dimensions. Have you heard of them?

Glastonbury Thor (UK)


Glastonbury Thor, or St. Michael’s Hill, is located in Somerset, England, and is an elevation (the hill itself) on which the medieval tower of St. Michael’s Church is located. The place is very popular among tourists, not only because it offers panoramic views of the surroundings, but also thanks to the legends of King Arthur. So, some travelers believe that on the hill you can find the entrance to Avalon – a paradise-like otherworld, in which, according to legend, abundance and eternal youth reigned, and time stopped.

The Gates of the Sun (Bolivia)


Not far from Lake Titicaca, located in South America, are the “Gates of the Sun.” The structure is carved from a solid stone block, its weight is about 10 tons. The gates are about 1.5 thousand years old, they appeared during the ancient civilization of Tiwanaku. Locals believed that the sun god Viracocha created the human race in this place, and used the gate for travel between worlds. When the artifact was discovered in the 19th century, it was knocked to the ground, and a large crack was found in the upper part of the gate, so supporters of conspiracy theories believed that therefore they became useless. In fact, the gate could be part of a larger structure and also acted as a calendar.

The Well of Thor (USA)


The Torah Well is a stone funnel located on Cape Perpetua in American Oregon. It is also known as the “Gateway to the Underworld.” The most impressive funnel looks during the ebb and flow and in stormy weather, when it turns into a raging fountain. It’s dangerous to approach the Well at this time. In addition, due to the strong undercurrent from the inside, the funnel has not yet been investigated, so it is not known what depth it has and whether it has a bottom.

Ranmasu (Sri Lanka)


In Sri Lanka, there is Ranmasu Uyana Park, which preserved monuments of ancient stone architecture. Fans of mysticism are attracted by the Sakval Chakray drawing carved in stone and the design with stone seats. Many locals and tourists believe that there are stargates for communicating with extraterrestrial civilizations, and the figure contains information on how to open them. However, archaeologists consider such assumptions absurd.

Great Ziggurat in Ur (Iraq)


The construction of a ziggurat in Ur belongs to the 21st century BC. e. This multistage structure, which in ancient Mesopotamia served as both a temple and a public institution, was built by the Sumerians. According to fantastic assumptions, there are stargates inside, and military operations, during which during the XX – XXI centuries. the country (now Iraq), on the territory of which the attraction is located, was drawn in, were associated with attempts to gain control of the artifact and use it for their own purposes. Be that as it may, the ziggurat is an outstanding monument of ancient history.

The Magic Door (Italy)


The portal to the world of alchemy is located on Esquilino Hill in Rome. In the XVII century in this area was the villa of Massimiliano Palombara, who was fond of alchemy. According to legend, one of the magicians managed to uncover the formula for obtaining gold, which he encrypted with a variety of symbols. Palombara could not reveal their meaning and ordered to depict the signs on the door to his garden so that others could try their hand. To this day, neither the villa nor the garden have been preserved, but anyone can see the magic door.

Tianmen Mountain (China)


In the eponymous national park on the territory of the Chinese province of Hunan, there is the cave “Sky Gate”, or Tianmen. The arch was formed when a large piece of rock broke away from the mountain several centuries ago. You can climb the mountain along one of the longest cable cars in the world, drive along a 99-bend road or walk along a glass path that runs directly over the precipice. According to legend, a person who rises to the “Heavenly Gate”, having overcome 999 steps, will become closer to God and will be able to achieve enlightenment.

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