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The revolutionaries are calling for the destruction of the imperfect world in order to build a better one on the ruins. Tibetan monks, on the contrary, have long been creating the image of a harmonious world in order to destroy it.

Tibetan monks have been learning to make sand mandalas for months, they spend several days creating these images, and they destroy what was done in minutes. In the room chosen for the ritual, offerings are made to enlightened beings and purification rites, they build a platform. Mandalas are generally laid out not from river sand, but from stone chips. In ancient times, gems were ground for this: turquoise, malachite, jasper, etc. Now, crushed marble painted in different colors is usually used. A drawing is applied to the base from memory, and patterns are already laid out through it through metal tubes with a ribbed surface and a hole at the end. The surface of the tube is rubbed with the horn of a yak or other solid object, vibration is created, and sand is poured out from the inside with a even stream. The lines are adjusted with a spatula.

In fact, the mandala is a model of the universe of perfect beings, where the main place is occupied by the palace, in which the incarnations of the main Buddhist virtues live. But, from the point of view of Buddhism, any world is still illusory and transient, and this must be remembered. When the mandala is completed, the labor of many days is swept into a vessel, then to pour it into the river.

Laying out a mandala is a powerful meditation practice for its creators, which, as is believed in Tibetan Buddhism, has a cleansing effect on the audience and the place where the ceremony takes place. In the photo, Tibetan monks from the Tashilunpo monastery in October 2013 laid out the Chenrezig mandala in one of the premises of the British Salisbury Cathedral. Chenrezig is the Tibetan version of the Indian bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, the embodiment of Buddha’s boundless mercy.

1. The square The palace has such a form on the mandala, where, according to the ideas of Tibetan Buddhism, enlightened people live. The square is divided into the central part and four equal, on the sides. They are inhabited by representatives of five families of buddhas (the so-called beings who have reached enlightenment). These families are the embodiment of the basic aspects of learning.

2. Center In this case, the Chenrezig bodhisattva lives here with the Padma (Lotus) family, or the Amitabha Buddha family (personification of discriminating mind) to which he belongs. By its light, the Buddha Amitabha transforms the vice of attachment. The color of this family is red, the symbol is a blooming lotus.

3. The possessions of the Karma family (act) The “head” of this family is the Amoghasiddhi Buddha. It radiates all-accomplishing wisdom and transforms the vice of envy. The color of the family is green, the symbol is the fiery sword.

4. Possessions of the Ratna family (jewel) It is headed by the Buddha Ratnasambhava, radiating the light of the wisdom of equality and transforming pride. The color of the Ratna family is considered yellow, the symbol is a gem that fulfills desires.

5. The territory of the Vajra family The Buddha Akshobhya rules here, he radiates the light of the mirror-like wisdom and transforms anger. The color is blue, the symbol is vajra.

6. The possessions of the Tathagata family (Buddha) Its “head” is the Buddha of Vairochana, radiates the light of all-encompassing wisdom and transforms ignorance. The color is white, the symbol is the wheel of the Dharma.

7. Lotus A symbol of absolute purity, because this flower grows in muddy water spotless and beautiful. Lotus is repeatedly found on the mandala. Its center looks like this flower of eight petals with the symbols of the four buddhist families depicted on them. And the outer circle of the mandala should surround the lotus petals, turning everything inside into one big flower.

8. Vajra Translated from Sanskrit, “indestructible”, the Tibetan name for this artifact is dorje, “lord of the stones”, that is, diamond. This rod is a symbol of the indestructible and incorruptible state of Buddha, a sign of powerful protection. It is no coincidence that the center of the palace is surrounded by a belt of vajras.

9. Wheel of Dharma Wheel of spiritual growth, a symbol of the teachings of the Buddha. Eight spokes symbolize the Eightfold Path to liberation from suffering, the meaning of spiritual evolution in Buddhism. The eight rules of this path: faithful views, intent, speech, behavior, lifestyle, effort, mindfulness, concentration.

10. The sword A sign of Buddha’s wisdom: a weapon breaks the veil of ignorance. A double-edged blade – a symbol of the inseparability of absolute and relative truth – burns with a flame of enlightenment.

11. The jewel Chintamani, a wish-fulfilling stone, a symbol of the mind that has attained enlightenment.

12. The palace wall It consists of five layers – according to the colors of the five families of buddhas or their five wisdom.

13. External architecture Rows of white triangular grooves for water indicate purification. A border of stylized gemstones symbolizes the deeds of the buddhas: rectangular – increasing good, triangular – destroying evil.

14. The gate On each of the four sides of the square there are gates leading to the palace from the outside world. The gates have the color of the corresponding family, decorated with symbols of purity and protection. Their semicircular shape is actually the four extremities of the crossed vajra that lies at the base of the palace. This is a symbol of absolute stability.

15. Trees According to Tibetan mythology, precious trees that fulfill desires grow in the world of the gods, which is why the Asura demons envy them.

16. Banners They symbolize the victory of the Buddha over the troops of the demon Mara, personifying ignorance and internal obstacles to self-improvement. They had banners and were repulsed and hoisted on the world mountain Meru.

17. Pearl garlands Evil-repellent symbol.

18. Umbrella The traditional sign of high status and protection. A white umbrella is a spiritual symbol of supreme power.

19. The outer space It is only outlined here. The main elements are usually a circle of 64 lotus petals and a five-color flame, a symbol of the five buddha families.


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