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It’s not always possible to drop everything and go on a trip, all the more so around the world. Fortunately, many adventurers and professionals who rush into such adventures subsequently describe their impressions in fascinating books. Ready to hit the road? 

Around the World on Motorcycles by Charlie Burman and Ewan McGregor


Charlie Burman (left) and Ewan McGregor (right) at the start of their motorbike journey in London

The book tells the story of motorized travel, which actors Ewan McGregor and Charlie Burman made in 2004. Their route ran through many countries of Europe, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia and America. The language of the book is not highly artistic, and it itself more closely resembles travel notes. But the heroes tell in detail about the difficulties and hardships that they had to face along the way. It is curious that during the trip, the actors managed to break many stereotypes about other countries.

“Big Adventure. Around the World with the Queen of the Detective Agatha Christie


Agatha Christie

This book is a collection of letters that Agatha Christie sent to family and friends when in 1922 she went with her husband on a trip to Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii and Canada. Many notes are accompanied by photographs taken by the writer herself on the trip. And although Christie’s letters are not as exciting as her detectives, her observation and sharp style will give readers a lot of pleasure.

“The Naturalist’s Journey Around the World on the Beagle Ship” by Charles Darwin


One of the many sketches that Darwin made in his journal while traveling. This illustration depicts the natives of Tierra del Fuego, or the fire-earths.

“The Naturalist’s Journey Around the World on the Beagle” – these are travel notes by the English naturalist Charles Darwin. During this five-year journey, the scientist visited the Cape Verde Islands, South America, Tierra del Fuego, the Falkland Islands, New Zealand and Australia, the Cocos Islands and Mauritius. At the same time, Darwin showed a keen interest in everything that happened on the road, and left detailed descriptions of the flora, fauna and customs of the population of the places he visited.

The Feat of Magellan by Stefan Zweig


Fernand Magellan, illustration of the beginning of the 16th century

The history of the famous navigator is told by the famous Austrian writer Stefan Zweig. Many do not know anything about Fernand Magellan, except for the name, but thanks to this book everyone has the opportunity to get acquainted with the difficult conditions in which famous geographical discoveries were made. At the same time, despite the desire to draw an objective portrait of Magellan, Zweig does not abuse biographical facts and details.

“Frigate” Pallas “” Ivan Goncharov


“Frigate Pallada” is a collection of essays based on the impressions of the writer Ivan Goncharov that he received during an expedition of the 1850s on the ship of the same name (pictured). During the trip, Goncharov visited Japan, Korea, Indonesia and other Asian countries. The writer masterfully speaks the language and accurately and vividly describes what he saw. After reading this work, many readers want to go on a cruise for new impressions.

“In search of myself. The Story of a Man Walking the Earth »Jean Beliveau


Jean Beliveau in Manhattan in 2000

At the beginning of the millennium, the 45-year-old canadian Jean Beliveau left his home in Montreal and went on a hiking trip to New York. In which he hoped to find himself. The walk dragged on for 11 years, for which Beliveau went around 64 countries, where he encountered a variety of people, customs and traditions. And although after reading his book there is no impression that the traveler found the meaning of life, his story motivates and inspires to get acquainted with the world around him.

“Around the world with Clarkson. National Riding Features »Jeremy Clarkson


Jeremy Clarkson

The book of the British journalist and TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson will appeal to fans of automotive vehicles. In his homeland, Clarkson became famous as the host of the Top Gearprogram , so in his travels to 11 countries he paid special attention to cars, their owners and the characteristic features of national driving. The narrative is replete with caustic remarks that Clarkson releases with his inherent irony and cynicism.

“Around the world in 80 Days. My first trip »Jean Cocteau


Jean Cocteau

In 1936, French writer, screenwriter and director Jean Cocteau went with a friend along the route described by Jules Verne in the novel Around the World in 80 Days. The book is characterized by lightness, an unusual outlook on things and a desire to embrace the beauty of the surrounding reality. She not only talks about a trip around the world, but also introduces readers to the largest figure in French culture of the last century.

“Around the world. Finding the Perfect Food »Anthony Bourdain


Anthony Bourdin

The book by the American chef Anthony Bourdin suggests going on a journey that will introduce readers primarily to the national cuisine of different countries of the world. During his trips, the author was not afraid to try all kinds of exotic products and dishes and spoke in detail about his impressions. He also met many amazing people and touched their culture, which he tried to sincerely describe on the pages “Around the World. Finding the perfect meal. ”

“Alone across the ocean” by Andrzej Urbanczyk


“Alone across the ocean” is a collection compiled by the Polish author Andrzej Urbanczyk from short stories and essays on single-handed voyages by sea. The book describes the journeys undertaken over the past 100 years by more than 70 sailors. “Alone across the ocean” talks about the courage of people who were not afraid of difficulties and courageously challenged the elements.

Photo: Getty Images, Wikimedia Commons

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